Happy Solstice Monday!


After breakfast, we head out to Meyer’s Bridge – fresh produce straight from the farmers.
Loaded up with parsley, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, bell peppers, green beans and a watermelon,
we head into town for bakes and water.

A fabulous lunch at Orlando’s – a great new restaurant in town,
and then off to visit with our underwater friends.
The beautiful parrot fish definitely smiled at me when I swam by…
A cocktail after the swim, and then home to watch the sunset.

Fresh local produce in our meal tonight –
a green salad with purples, oranges and greens, with a red lentil curry and brown rice.
An improvised St Lucian variation on my go-to dish at home!

Grateful today for
the lush land that produces such incredible produce,
the beautiful birds and fish – so grateful a finch let me feed him cantaloupe today!
and for the wonderful connection to nature I always feel here.
