Morning with the cosmic one turns into lunch with both the cosmics. The weather is perfect for a patio lunch. Always such a treat for me to hang with the cosmics. In the evening, we are off to a dinner with PJ+M and other returned traveler friends. A lovely evening…
Saturday morning – recording time for virtual choir 4. A very odd experience to record oneself singing… Once my mate and I got over our laughter, a few more takes and it is done! Done in time for our visit with M+M. A walk down to Fort York and then…
Christmas morning blessings… Rain through the night – awoke to a rainbow over the piton, Our meals today at The Mango Tree. Between meals, crosswords and calendar making, with a visit from Thomas and friend. Grateful today for a lazy rainy day, the sounds of rain, wind and treefrogs, and…
Felt so comfortable…Who would’ve guessed that 30 years have past since we all met…
It truly was wonderful. I loved it.
Realized also how much I missed you all.
Friendship…such a joy of life!