
After breakfast, we set out on the JR rail for Mitaka.
Tickets purchased in Toronto for a special museum visit.
Such a magical time at the Ghibli Museum! Had to hold back the tears of delight and joy…

After the museum and a delicious Italian lunch in Mitaka, we return to the hotel for a moment’s rest.
Then back to Harajuku to see the dolls – Sunday has been written up as THE day for dressup.
Found that yesterday had many more dressed up dolls…

And then the rain…
Wow. Watching the street crossing from a 3rd level cafe is simply incredible…

The day ends in the clouds…
on the 52nd floor at the Park Hyatt, celebrating the eve of my mate’s birth!

Grateful today for
Hayao Miyazaki and his incredible work – he announced his retirement on the day we arrived in Tokyo!
experiencing Tokyo in the rain,
and for my mate – finding us a cool cafe to stay dry in, a cab back to the hotel and dinner reservations!
Happy Birthday eve to you, my love. xxoo

By saBEE