Earlier this week we had an important meeting in Charlotte, NC.
On our way to the airport, we hit a hole in the road and got a flat.
10 minutes from home…
Not a lot of extra time…
What to do?!
Springing into action,
we contacted ONroute to get the tire replaced and Uber to get to YYZ.
As we made our way to the airport,
MAO talked with Troy about driving our car home once the tire was changed.
All is set and we make it to our flight.
On boarding the plane, there is a message from Troy.
The tire has not been changed – sadly no spare in the trunk.
MAO asks Troy to help get the tire changed and the car back home.
At the end of the day,
Troy has paid for a new tire,
replaced the flat and driven the car home.
Today we met with Troy to repay him.
Our hearts are filled with gratitude for everything he did for us.
Grateful today for the good and helping spirit of strangers.