
Before going to Envision for a full working day,
a tea at Dineen before my regular dental hygienist appointment at Queen Street Dental Care
The dental appointments are typically ones I dread…even though they are super at Queen Street.
Today’s was quite smooth and reasonably easy!

Walking to the office, I took a different route and was delighted by the Mandela painting beside Harlem.


Arriving at Envision – I am ready for a full day of work.
And it takes a full day to set up an email service provider test!

Grateful today for
shiny, white teeth – no salt blaster needed today!
talking a different walking route – always good to switch it up and see new sights,
and for the friends who helped me out with my ESP test – looking forward to creating newsletters to send out…

ps. there is a new subscription by email box on the left side panel – currently a small gift available to new subscribers…If you do subscribe, I would love any feedback on your experience.

By saBEE

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