This morning as the rain and sunshine did their dance,
we packed all our stuff up.
A leisurely packing morning – mixed with saying thank you and goodbye to those that took care of us at the villa – Ferrard, Mary Jane, Patricia and Martha…Thank you.
As we drive down to the Reef,
I experience moments of great sadness to be leaving.
My mate holds my hand, smiles at me and we carry on…
At the Reef,
maximum chill before we leave…
an interesting chat with Jolien brings up other possibilities around the destruction of the bridge…
and also gets us the first history book written on St Lucia.
A smooth flight home – and we arrive at our next digs…
The gray rainy city that we arrive to feels strange, cold, and empty.
Grateful today for
the double rainbow in the Lucian rain and sunshine dance this morning,
the lush green landscapes of the St Lucian coast,
and for a safe return.