
Woke up this morning to a snow covered city…and snow falling all day.
A stop at the hospital to check on our friend – he is better and we can drive him home.
A great start to the day!

Lots of work done during the day – blog catch up,
general paperwork and a focused afternoon on my Content Strategy MOOC.
A lot of thought today on brands I like and brands that make my life easier…

At the end of the day, our car is covered with snow…with a drawn heart on top… 🙂
A casual dinner with my mate and then a special show to watch tonight – thanks to the popcorn pass from murdurous!


Grateful today for
our friend returning home to rest – so glad he is okay,
a full day of working on different projects,
and for synchronicity, the video below and falling in love with Apple again…

By saBEE