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Wild Wintry Day
Woke up this morning to skylights covered in snow. Drove to school very slowly and patiently… The current class in Allergies is so interesting and fascinating. Love our instructor – for her nerdiness, knowledge and enthusiasm. Truly makes for great classes where so much is learned. Return home was a…
Saturday Fun
Our day starts at Fika, a lovely cafe in Kensington market. Coffee with Anna + Michael before we all carry on with our weekends… My mate and I stop in at an envision installation – penguins are not flying well… Fruit for next week’s morning smoothies are picked up at…
425 – Retail Therapy
Experiencing the idea of retail therapy… thinking it means: being in a retail environment is therapeutic ie. reduces stress and contributes to one’s wellbeing… or does it mean that spending money is therapeutic? From the big box malls to the traditional mall…(didn’t make it to the outlet mall)… observing whether…