
A full day of studying.
Seems a bit odd that getting organized always means papers all around me in crazy little piles…
Making a mess to be more organized and tidy?

A fresh smoothie in the morning,
lunch is homemade curried lentils on brown/wild rice mix with arugula and the homemade kimchi…
Yum! Glad for homemade nourishing goodness. Too easy for me to make bad food choices.

By evening, I am ready for a case study interview with CBM – energetic as always,
and a total delight to do an interview with.
My mate returns near the end of our interview with a good friend.
As we share time together, and the surface topics are all covered, it is shared that there are some troubles and difficulties being faced.

Grateful today for
a good food day – really loving bowl meals,
more schoolwork studies and interviews being completed,
and for being able to support a friend in need.

By saBEE