3 envision couples – out for a Korean BBQ meal. A tasty fun way to eat and one that’s hard for me not to overeat… Always glad to share the BBQ experience – and at the restaurant I’ve been going to since childhood. Grateful today for a fun BBQ meal,…
Category: Nature
A Special Evening
A special evening with special ladies. Envision brought many people into my life. Some are there only for a moment and gone – others become friends. So lovely to share an evening with 2 special envision ladies – both so beautiful, honest and real. Grateful today for envision and all…
After class, I return home and my mate is working from home. A great treat for me! For dinner, the veggies from the market are ready for a delicious red curried lentils and salad spectaculaire. A good food day ends watching the recent episode of Grimm and snuggling. Grateful today…
Biochemistry overload
Studying today for a missed quiz and final test. Started at 7am, at 2pm I am just finished catching up on missed class?!? At the end of a full day of studying, it was time to stop – a watch a happy girly movie on Netflix. Grateful today for notes…
Soup for Sharing
Made lentil stew and red lentil curry. Plenty for us to have for the week and lots to share. Took some to dinner with Ma + Pa Hayes – a wonderful evening with them, and also to a neighbour. Grateful today for tasty recipes that are reliable and nutritious, and…