Packing up

MAOs’ Enchanted Forest  |  April 15 – August 31, 2018

Our stay in West Vancouver has come to an end.  Again I am amazed at the passing of time.  When we arrived the creek beside the house was a raging river, today it is much calmer and quieter. 

It has been wonderful to experience spring and summer in the enchanted forest.  Enjoyed the wildlife of our backyard forest – black bear, wolf, owl and woodpecker were delights to see.  The lost hikers and dog walker were fun too.  😉

Cypress Falls Creek was the soundtrack to our days and nights.  Raging in early spring … Gentler and quieter at the end of August.  

We have loved every minute here and were grateful to have friends and family come to visit us.  So wonderful to share our enchanted forest!       

Grateful today for our time here. 

Our hearts are filled with the beauty , wonder and awesomeness of nature in BC. 

Ready to get back on the road tomorrow with MAO.

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