My Irish Charm

My Irish Charm

As we drove from Brevard County, our phones went off…
Emergency Tornado Alert… What?!!
Thankfully no incident and we made our way to St. Augustine.

Enjoyed walking through historic St Augustine.
After lunch, we continued on our way to Savannah, Ga.
Another Emergency Tornado Alert! with lightning striking the highway!

Got off the highway to wait out the storm, and then decided to carry on.
30 minutes later, we were in sunshine, and made it safely to the hotel.
Whew! No doubt, my Irish charm had something to do with it!

Grateful today for
making it to Savannah without incident,
the beautiful place that we are in – so looking forward to more exploring…
and for another city to do my favourite thing…
– hold my mate’s hand as we walk, explore and experience new places.

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