
Today is my graduation day from CSNN.
A year of studies in Holistic Nutrition has gone by. Wow.
The year has had quite an impact on our lives. And our fridge.

Looking in our fridge, it is an incredible contrast to what would have been in the fridge 3 years ago.
Today, it is overflowing with bags of cleaned greens – chard, kale, lettuce, and spinach.
Almond butter, tahini and raw honey have become staples, as has homemade almond milk.

Definitely not the food I grew up eating!

Grateful today for
all that I have learned through CSNN – so many incredible benefits to my life,
the instructors that taught us – they were all so great,
the classmates that I studied with – so glad we have the book club to stay in touch,
and of course, for our CSNN branch manager – Vivian. Thank you so much for all your hard work.

By saBEE