Woke up this morning to skylights covered in snow.
Drove to school very slowly and patiently…
The current class in Allergies is so interesting and fascinating.
Love our instructor – for her nerdiness, knowledge and enthusiasm.
Truly makes for great classes where so much is learned.
Return home was a much easier drive.
As usual the sparrows were out waiting for seeds…and there was a new fellow with them!
Birds fed…time to prep for this evening’s case study interview.
Interview went well, and much was discussed.
Still finding it challenging to put all the information together and express it in a manageable way for the listener – really don’t want to download or overload the listener!
Grateful today for
the snowfall that makes the city so pretty – and slows everyone down,
a new bird at our window,
and for a good interview today – now to get down to writing the case studies…