A summery morning, breakfast on the deck, a game of chess and then a business call for my mate… One more visit to the nest. All 3 siblings are growing and look good. Ma Robin seems less threatened by my being there. So hard to go… Hugs and kisses until…
In the morning, I got a notice about the hotel conducting a fire alarm test. From 12:30pm – 1pm, the alarm would be ringing. A few moments later, a text from the cosmic pair – to join them for a movie at 12:45…How perfect! Pina, was an interesting movie –…
Left home this morning with my mate, breakfast together at le petit dejeuner – a delightful treat, always… and then off to Verity – on Queen East. Case study discussions with classmates, on our first would be class day… Case study for me is on Stu… much discussion over how…