The neighbour we almost almost never met, in town after a year in a small town outside Berlin, comes to visit. While the time we have known one another is brief, the openness and honesty in our sharing is refreshing and wonderful. Grateful today for the new class started today…
Driving home on a rainy Friday afternoon. A long weekend ahead to celebrate Canada Day. It’s the end of a big week, and my mate is PTO. (plum tuckered out) Amazing how much energy responding to an RFP takes, and how much time is needed to be restored to normal……
Test done! After class, a trip to the farmer’s market at Dufferin Grove. The day is warm and beautiful. Perfect for a coffee with my cosmic pal in the park. Returning home, my mate is home early! Hanging out in the front of Wellington is lovely and we get to…
Very lovely, a reflection of U