After breakfast and tea @Clareville, we head back home for a few hours… Dim Sum at our favorite is calming, quiet and delicious. By evening we are back @Clareville, Watching the Masters, and doing tech work on the home computer. Grateful today for a quiet day, dim sum with my…
Today’s weather feels so good to me. The coolness of air with sunshine heat. Garden continues to amaze me – little cucumbers, peppers and tomatoes growing. Continually harvesting salad greens is such a joy. Meals made last week are brought out for dinner. It’s been a great weekend of homemade…
Celebrating my MAO’s birthday with uncle stu this evening… Haven’t been to Rodney’s for a few years – Last time I was there, the presentation of the king crab made me cry… No tears tonight. Three dickenses are in a celebratory mood… and now into our second month of birthday…
And the truly cosmic one is you Sabee!!! Thanks for sharing a holiday at Meech.