The winds move the rain in vertical lines against the piton…
Morning starts with Glass, on PJ radio,
transitions to Danny on GavRadio

A rainbow appears…

Last night’s rains are a concern for a walk down to the Sulphur Springs…
20 minutes later, we are back – no need for worry…
Off to see if our boat ride to Castries is on…
Not for today – too many challenges.

The afternoon is a mix of rain, sunshine, cool breezes and heat…
Puzzles being solved, games of password, and scrabble.

Dinner is a fantastic veg meal by our cosmic friend…
Conversation carries on…

Grateful today for
GavRadio – thank you for playing Joe!
PJRadio – all here remembering being here with you,
and for the net connection that makes it all possible.

By saBEE