Watched a sparrow this morning acting rather piggish… Plenty of seeds about for the 30+ sparrows in the tree. Fluttered about to kick out 3 others trying to get at the seeds. Still feeling a bit freaked out by neuropeptides… must carry on… to studying for a test tomorrow, on…
Tag: Wellington
Birds Outside the Window
“I love you. Be kind to yourself.” said my mate as he headed out on his sailing trip 6 days ago. Not really that long, still… Sleep has not been the best and Sleepasaurus is one of my nicknames! Tired tonight. It has been 6 days of nutrition…day and night….
Massive Monday
Monday began perhaps a bit too early for all that was to happen. From morning studies at Dark Horse, to lunch with JB at Brasiliano, and off to meet my study group. A walk with an adorable nutrition pal, to garbanzo goodness with the cosmics… The night ends at the…
Home!…kinda, sorta
A long day travelling… From Venice to Munich, then Munich to Toronto. Returning home, the skies are bright blue with beautiful clouds and cool breezes. When we arrive at Wellington, two beautiful ladies are styling our home for a magazine shoot tomorrow. A quick catch up with the ladies, and…
Good day in class. Yay for kimchi and its probiotic power! Experiencing information overload… Early To Bed… real early. Grateful today for more knowledge on nutrition and the 68 kimchi type recipe book waiting for me…