Tag: Wellington
Dinner Party Hosting
Up early and into our market morning routine… Switched up only slightly with our breakfast choice. Outside tasks done – inside chores left. A delightful afternoon tech / social time with exuberance… as brownies are baked and soup is made for tonight’s dinner party. Dinner for 3 couples – each…
Sharing knowledge, experience and skills
A day away from my content research and thinking… Today is a wardrobe examination date with exuberance! A solid 2 hours spent going through the wardrobe to get to the best essentials… A break for lunch, and then a geek moment…Silverlight + Netflix + MAC – sorting through the challenge…
Up before the alarm goes off, hugs and kisses as I head to the airport with Stevie. An easy airport experience – quiet with a minimal lineup at security… And then a serendipitous event – Stevie + Fred on my flight…a most delightful airport waiting experience. Shared a cab together,…
An afternoon working session with the client… the morning is spent doing final prints – cutting and glueing them together to be put on large boards. Just in time completion! As I drive to the meeting, the other advoCat eats his lunch in the car… In the evening, we get…