Day after the deep freeze, it is snowy and gray… The day is spent exploring the world of maps, csv and kml file types… Music playlist “remembering the high school daze” plays as I scrabble with my mate… Soon, it will be time to bundle up for a reunion with…
Tag: snow
Spent a few hours this afternoon in the shiny part of town… People rapidly sifting through sales and deals, Christmas decor and carols in the hallways, Shoppers everywhere… The fresh snow on the ground, and occasionally breaks of sunshine Much more enjoyable than anything in the shiny part of town.
Coming in for a landing…. Thinking about fractals recently and amazed at how they appear everywhere. Snow and feathers…beautiful fractals in nature…
This morning on Queen…Snowy wintry day…good to be in a warm place…
After a weekend with lilies and thinking of spring…startled by the snow storm that is blowing through…