Arriving at school, I realize I have left my presentation notes at home.
Fortunately, I have a few minutes to rewrite notes.
Even with the notes, I struggle with how to present it…
A relaxed morning watching the last few episodes of the K-drama, I miss you. Much less predictable than most of the dramas and quite a twisted group of characters with a crazy plot. Very glad to be at the end… A late lunch and afternoon with my cosmic pal. Not…
A surprise lunch with my mate this afternoon. We pick up food at Fresh and take it with us to visit PJ in the garden. Delightful to see other friends already there, and stopping in while we are there. Grateful today for unplanned gatherings, and a lovely day for lunch…
Woke up charged this morning, ready to get into writing the next case studies… A productive morning – 1/2 way through case #5. Realizing the challenges of changing habits. Wrote case study #4 based on good marks for case #2… feedback was confusing and the next writings need to have…