At the eye doctor today for a test, the glasses lined up take me back to yesterday’s conversations. In the afternoon, 3 individuals with their uniquely individual perspective, and in the evening, 5… Personally, I have been noticing how my perspectives on many things have changed. Time, experience, others’ perspectives…
Last class in Perspectives on Aging… Wonderful instructor and a great course. After class, off to the Big Carrot for some organic fruits and veggies. Once they’re put away, it’s time for TED! Catching up as session 1 started before I returned home… Session 2 in progress as my mate…
Feeling a bit blah today. The flip flopping of weather is getting to be challenging. Needing more natural Vitamin D… Got through a day of working – thanks to my smiling and encouraging mate, and in the end, it is a good day. Grateful today for all the rain –…