My mate is home!!!
Returned last night and the snuggles were so, so good.
After my mate left for the office,
I sat down to study for the allergies quiz tomorrow.
As I was studying,
suddenly, I was feeling an allergic reaction happening in me!?!?
How bizarre…would be cooler if I could be a cell inside my body observing what was happening…
A break for lunch,
Sweet Lulu with the exuberant one…
so warming and good for my soul.
Off later in the afternoon to envision,
a case study interview with an endurance athlete and envisioneer…
Interview done.
Dinner is at Yakitori Bar – always great to see Sang.
And then to the Rivoli for a quick game of pool with other envisioneers,
before heading over to Niagara Street for a Design Offsite Festival party at Lightform.
En route to the party,
Roxy Music plays in the car…
Love is the drug, I’m thinking of…
Grateful today for
last night’s snuggles,
a full day of studies, exuberance and design,
and for Love – the drug…So grateful I scored on that one!
Love it!