Since Friday, my mate has been out of communication range. Radio silence makes his absence more noticeable. Thrilled to get a text from him today! and to hear his voice! My brother and family stop in for a visit, all still jet lagged from their travels. The boys are delightful…
Have recently been feeling the need to be in nature… Today, I took the train to stay with J+S at Idlewild. Ahhh… The beauty of nature and the healing power of green… A delicious and healthy nicoise for dinner, and a quiet evening reading “The Silence of Bonaventure Arrow”. Grateful…
After a morning with Breakout Kings at Wellington, an early mother’s day visit, raising of an outdoor structure and lunch at Clareville. Evening with no commitments… ahhh… Grateful today for Ma + Pa Hayes, laughter with Brad + Ros, and for snuggles with my mate.