A drive to Idlewild this afternoon to visit with the country mice and to attend the world premiere of Declaration by John Burge. “We are all born free and equal in dignity and rights. We are all endowed with reason and conscience and must act towards each other in a…
Category: Nature
410 – Spin, Spin, Spin
Another week comes to an end. Feels as though we spin through each day, each day spinning a little more into the next. At the end of the week – my favorite kind of party. A party of 2 – me and my mate. After a fun evening and dinner…
409 – One of the flock
Observing birds on a wire… One, a different colour, another sitting in different position, Neither means separation from the flock. Grateful today for seeing pigeons flying together, sunshine on a cold day, and lessons from the birds.
407 – Degrees of Motion
This week’s photo lesson is about implying motion. Ties in with my current reading cooking, and this evening’s dinner… Varying degrees of motion… individual perspectives unique, the starting points, end goals, and the journey that bridges the two so individually felt and common amongst many… Grateful today for gatherings of…
405 – Maya
Breakfast with the cosmic couple, and a special guest, Maya. Comfortable at Huron, She fits right into my mate’s nest. In the afternoon, we visit a friend in hospital, and then off to dine and watch the superbowl at Clareville. A spectacular feast as always, and a great game! Grateful…