Continually working through the best online tools for sharing photos – and embedding slideshows…thought my previous solution was gone when Picasa Web turned into Google + photos but it seems to have returned. Of the photos taken, I was quite happy with 6 of 21. 28.5% personal satisfaction of all…
Category: Nature
Wildy Warm
Truly hard to believe that it is March…in Toronto! The week’s forecast is for more weather in the 20s?!? Taking advantage of the warm weather, I separated aloe pups from their mother. 15 pups and 2 scratched up forearms later, it feels great to be ‘gardening’. Grateful today for the…
March 18th?!?
Warm sun + blue skies, branches and flowers budding everywhere… Inspired by the day, photos taken and playing with technology… Lightroom and Photomatix are fun tools… Grateful today for the beautiful weather, nature, technology, and a great weekend with my mate – filled with great food, friends and fun.
Our weekly market trip, breakfast and trip to the framing store take up all of the morning. Afternoon is spent making a roasted red pepper dip and lentil salad…Scrabble fun in the evening and a night time Netflix show. A relaxed day enjoying our home. Grateful today for experiencing red…
Thinking of our cosmic pals this morning and missing them… A knock on the door…there she is! The day is beautiful and warm – a short photo walk, workout and hangout with Maylee… The cosmic pair join us for a fun Friday night dinner. Grateful today for spontaneous and great…