After class, a spontaneous lunch with the exuberant one…delightful and fun! Viewing the gardens a special treat. On the way home, Sanko is en route – perfect for picking up miso for dinner… As we come to the store, it is dark and a man is locking the door. Regularly…
Category: Nature
Study Day
Study day – upcoming test on Thursday is on bones, and the skeletal, muscular and nervous systems. Stressed at moments – will I have enough time to get the material… and then score well on the test? Resolution of the stress – not so easy… continuing to plow through the…
A day of class – new terms to learn and understand… I continue to be amazed at how much information can be taught in 4.5 hours. With the Stanley Cup games on, and no cable at Wellington, my mate and I go to the local around the corner – the…
Cherry Blossoms
A spontaneous break from studying… A text from the Cosmic one to go and see the cherry blossoms in High Park. So glad I went! Heavenly beauties enjoyed by so many in the park. The evening is a concert at Massey Hall – Rodrigo y Gabriela. Walking in with no…
Thank you Idlewild
Overcast skies create such beautiful soft light on Idlewild. Can’t imagine anything more perfect than sipping coffee and watching birds in the rain… Cooking fun continues with Eggs Florentine for brunch – eggs poached in a sous-vide style, and hollandaise sauce made from scratch. Served with delicious home fries… Yum,…