A rainy day starting the week, slightly cloudy from the weekend’s festivities… Grateful today for a quiet day to study, and for the evening’s practicum being my only serious endeavour.
Category: Nature
Happy Birthday beeBEE!
A perfectly cosmic cooking experience at Wellington today. 5 cooks all working away to prepare for an afternoon birthday celebration…and 3 can be working on the stove at the same time! A perfectly timed day – cooking done, time for everyone to get ready and even have a spec of…
Farmer’s markets
Test done! After class, a trip to the farmer’s market at Dufferin Grove. The day is warm and beautiful. Perfect for a coffee with my cosmic pal in the park. Returning home, my mate is home early! Hanging out in the front of Wellington is lovely and we get to…
A visit with Cosmic C to start our cookie making and plan for Sunday’s surprise birthday party. Happy that the cosmics are in town – always adds excitement to our days. A lovely lunch at Fresh and a return walk in the rain. Grateful today for cosmic fun times.
Taking a bite
Otto’s lease is up soon…we will be sad to send him away. Needing a replacement, we went out to take a bite… After our test drive, new friends from Sheridan Nursery return with us to Wellington. Grateful today for a day to think about Otto’s replacement, and the new Wellington…