A full day of studying. Seems a bit odd that getting organized always means papers all around me in crazy little piles… Making a mess to be more organized and tidy? A fresh smoothie in the morning, lunch is homemade curried lentils on brown/wild rice mix with arugula and the…
Category: Nature
Freaky Friday
Watched a sparrow this morning acting rather piggish… Plenty of seeds about for the 30+ sparrows in the tree. Fluttered about to kick out 3 others trying to get at the seeds. Still feeling a bit freaked out by neuropeptides… must carry on… to studying for a test tomorrow, on…
Wild Wintry Day
Woke up this morning to skylights covered in snow. Drove to school very slowly and patiently… The current class in Allergies is so interesting and fascinating. Love our instructor – for her nerdiness, knowledge and enthusiasm. Truly makes for great classes where so much is learned. Return home was a…
Diving In
This morning I was startled by a pigeon amongst the little birds we feed… Following the pigeon’s lead, I dove into a day of cooking – to my favorite jazzykeys – Abdullah, Bill and Thelonious…so, so great! Vegetable broth, curried red lentils, cabbage apple walnut salad, broccoli cauliflower soup, lentil…
Birds Outside the Window
“I love you. Be kind to yourself.” said my mate as he headed out on his sailing trip 6 days ago. Not really that long, still… Sleep has not been the best and Sleepasaurus is one of my nicknames! Tired tonight. It has been 6 days of nutrition…day and night….