An easy morning on a day of relaxation. My mate’s mind is working away on a prototype he needs to build… While not the warmest of days, the sun is out and it is beautiful. We take a walk down Wellington and then King and Simcoe, for dimsum at the…
G is back from a few days at Shouldice Hospital. Good to have him home again. A farm fresh meal of pork chops, corn and salad. Pear/plum salsa and Salsa verde as accompaniments to the meal. A jolly meal shared with the Huron crew and Uncle Stu. Grateful today for…
A new week begins… Beautiful morning light in our bedroom, accompanied by the sound of birds chirping outside. A fresh juice starts the day, gentle morning yoga stretches get us ready to move. Not feeling the work vibe this morning, The day is spent outdoors – a lovely walk in…