Packing today on the main level – working on the kitchen.
Getting to the end of the past seasons of Desperate Housewives – soon to be in the current 8th season.
Grateful today for
the packing that is getting done.
Sad to see G+B leave this morning, always so nice to have them here… Big hugs and kisses until we see them next. In the office before noon, continuing with digital media content research… At the end of the day, I return home for a brief stop before heading out…
Whirlwind of a day… From Milton to Huron, then to Envision and finally settled into our new transitional digs… complete with balcony to photograph from. A jolly visit with a gardenista, and now the day ends… Missing only my mate. It is always challenging to sleep without my mate… tonight,…
Work Life is busy. Projects are needing detailed edits. Each edit has a domino effect… Working through each project, and glad for the help in printing out the scope document… Busy. Grateful today for smiles at the office through stressful moments.