Driving home on a rainy Friday afternoon. A long weekend ahead to celebrate Canada Day. It’s the end of a big week, and my mate is PTO. (plum tuckered out) Amazing how much energy responding to an RFP takes, and how much time is needed to be restored to normal……
Woke up late this morning. Last’s night’s overindulgence while reconnecting to blame… Rehydrated myself and took some vitamin Cs to get myself going. Was happy to be back to myself by late afternoon, in time to visit with a friend. Geeking out with all things apple, talking about science, technology…
A busy day with glass being installed outside, phone calls and friends stopping in. At the end of the day, we share our first meal at Wellington with Uncle Stu. A nice meal made together, lots of conversation and watching a TED talk too. Grateful today for more house stuff…