The days of last week blurred into one another… Today my mate and I returned to our envision family. And what a day to return! The office was buzzing with meetings, work and excitement. Working day ended an hour earlier for birthday celebrations, and team envision’s inaugural ball hockey game….
Back at the books today – 16 chapters to read… Fascinating new text on nutrition for the brain, and metal illness. With each class, “you are what you eat” expands in meaning and depth. Grateful today for studying topics that are interesting and current, the passionate authors that have written…
By 2:45 this afternoon, the envision team is in a car off to the airport. Ready for tomorrow’s 8 hour presentation. Delightful to have a spontaneous play date with exuberance. Today’s play date is all on Wellington. From our home to the patio east of us and then to the…