A beautiful summer day at La Vignette.
BBQ King works all his barbeques today…for sliders, corn and the spaduccis!

It has been a wonderful weekend at La Vignette.
Thank you all!

Grateful today for
sunny blue skies,
great barbeque,
and summer weekends.

By saBEE

2 thoughts on “573 – Summer Sunday”
  1. We loved having you at the cottage. My girlfriend has taken a shine to your photography! She wrote, “Just beautiful, the cottage looks fabulous. Soooo relaxing!!! I loved all the pictures… I loved the flowers, fruit and sidewalk pics, I might steal a few and frame them.”

  2. Thanks so much for all your great cooking! It was a super time hanging out with you at the cottage. So glad your girlfriend enjoys the photography…and delighted that you want to “steal a few” to frame. 🙂

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