The morning is quiet, and calmly busy. My mate works away on his work, I get a good start on my current focus… Wellington is a lovely place to work in – the breeze flows through, and PJradio plays the perfect playlist. An afternoon walk in the neighbourhood brings us…
Today is my graduation day from CSNN. A year of studies in Holistic Nutrition has gone by. Wow. The year has had quite an impact on our lives. And our fridge. Looking in our fridge, it is an incredible contrast to what would have been in the fridge 3 years…
Off to the market again…our fridge overflows with fresh greens and fruits. It is a beautiful sunny Saturday. The day is relaxed and I finish reading ‘the Help’ – a book I could not put down and read in 2-3 days. In the evening, I am off to see faces…