Our vacation was a great time. Very nice to visit with friends at their cottages, and spend time on new waters. Always great to return home. Cycle to the doctor to check out a few odd looking bites…thankfully, it is an allergic reaction rather than anything serious… From the doctor…
Today’s new class… on topics that have infuriated and frustrated me, leaving me not knowing what to do. Governments, Agri-Business and supermarkets…the chase for profits and $$… The combination of it all, had me clenching my fists in class, holding my tongue and wanting to vandalize a local supermarket. Sigh….
The names we have encountered in St Lucia… Griselda, Isadore, Titus, and Acadia, Jorge, Rashida, Tobias and Valencia… Our friends we see daily – MaryJane, Patricia, Martha, Ferrard and Feranes. All lovely people who call St Lucia home, from Soufriere, Choiseul, Canaries and Anse La Raye. A beautiful and sunny…