Off to the dentist to get recrowned today. Amazed at how quickly and painlessly it is done. A decision to take the streetcar, gets me out of the torrential downpour, which is over by the time I get to my stop. A delightfully perfect coincidence! Grateful today for not getting…
A beautiful day at Meech Lake – perfect for hanging out on the dock. The boys throw rocks in the water, swim in their life jackets and dry out in the sun. Lively chatter, bickering now and then, always with the question, “Why?”. Loving being with the boys and trying…
Hurting a bit this morning after last night’s activities… While last night was not excessive or wild, perhaps it is the combination of last night, and current allergies that wiped me out today. Fortunately, I am able to take a day to recover… Netflix and the sofa keep me comfy…