A cosmic seoul sister day…What a treat! From sipping tea to the Yakitori bar on Baldwin for lunch, Then to the AGO to see the Evan Penny exhibit (wild!), a set of the Hogtown Syncopators at the Rex and a lovely walk along King West. Always so so good to…
Month: January 2013
“Because of your smile, you make life more beautiful.” Thich Nhat Hanh Grateful today for Smiles!
Thomson Library Lounge
Vero in for maintenance this morning… 2 hours later, Vero is shiny, and beautiful! My afternoon… lunch with mate – what a delight! prepping for a case study interview… Interview done! And ready for a night at the Thomson Library Lounge, with extended family… Grateful today for Uncle Stu –…
Feedback loops
Thinking about all kinds of different feedback loops today… What a day it has been! Feedback loops – negative, positive… Is there such a thing as a neutral feedback loop? Grateful today for all those in my life, negative, positive or neutral… thank you for being part of my feedback…
“We shall never know all the good that a simple smile can do” Mother Teresa Grateful today for Smiles!