The Twomates is launched! Thanks to her mighty captain and friends who worked like the dickens for 2 days to get her ready for the season!
Month: June 2010
Walking in our neighbourhood is always a trip…Chinatown vegetables all lined up on the road…. Green beans trying to make a break for freedom…
It really is a very friendly town… Wondering about why all the video clips around the G20 are all about the protests, vandalism and violence… Hoping that there is good for all that comes out of this summit.
A rainy day spent stocking up before downtown is shut down by the G20. All done…the sun breaks through the stormy skies to make way for a beautiful evening.
This week’s assignment is on white balance…such a difference from slight adjustments! After having this camera for 4 years, it is amazing how much I don’t know about it…