Spring raindrops on the branches outside the window…
The branches like the many roads we will cross in our upcoming adventure…blessed with jewels along the way…
This morning an easy zodiac ride along the coast of Santiago…Watching the pelicans dive in for their breakfast…spotting fur sea lions and penguins swimming…Always love seeing the blue footed boobies…further out from the coast, the manta rays were fun to spot…
Days seem to be going by faster? Our walk down sulphur hill is much warmer today – a later start and a hotter day… Photo is of the little community at the bottom of the hill. An amazing place with free roaming chickens, goats and a horse too. Another day…
Wet from the rain forest with not a single dry item, we leave Sacha Lodge. It has been an incredible 4 days here. Back onto the canoe to go upstream for 2 hours to Coca. The water level on the Napo river has risen about 8 feet and it is…